
Give artists the gift of CPR!

Your tax-deductible donation directly supports artists, and maintains CPR as a thriving, artist-driven space dedicated to supporting artists in developing new work in dance and performance, and providing critical resources for the creation, experimentation, embodiment, and exchange.

CPR supports artists at all stages of their career, and across a wide range of artistic disciplines, through residencies, technical support, deeply subsidized rehearsal space, public presentation opportunities, and community engagement

Make a tax-deductible donation to CPR today! Here’s how:

Send to Be sure to note “donation” in the memo.

Click here to make a secure online donation via PayPal (with fees).

Payable to Center for Performance Research and mail to:

Attention: Alexandra Rosenberg, Executive Director
Center for Performance Research
361 Manhattan Avenue, Unit 1
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Please contact Alexandra Rosenberg, Executive Director, at with any questions, or to discuss your contribution.

With much gratitude from CPR, THANK YOU!